
Discovering Christ in All the Scriptures is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his desire to provide a complete overview of the Scriptures, Fortner spends one chapter on each book of the Old and New Testament, totaling sixty-six chapters in an astonishing 816 pages. Though incredibly succinct, this volume examines who Christ is throughout the entirety of the Bible. An essential companion to Bible study.

case? The Scriptures bring us close to them and bring them close to us More Than History But the Book of Genesis is not merely a history book. If that were the case, it would have little significance to us and would have little influence over us. It would just be facts recorded on paper. The Book of Genesis was written to give us a specific message from the Lord our God. The message is as clear and simple as it is painful. It is as obvious as it is humbling.—Man without Christ is utterly sinful,
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